テンプレート:金融のサイドバー テンプレート:翻訳中途 マネーサプライ(money supply、通貨供給量)またはマネーストック(money stock、通貨残高)とは、金融機関と中央政府を除いた経済主体(一般法人、個人、地方公共団体等)が保有する通貨の合計として定義される。
日本では現金通貨(紙幣を含む広義の貨幣)、普通預金、当座預金、定期預金、外貨預金、譲渡性預金(CD:Certificate of Deposit)の総合計の通貨量であるM2+CDが代表的な指標であったが、2007年6月22日、郵政民営化に伴い日本銀行はマネーサプライ統計を約30年ぶりに全面的に見直す方針を発表し、2008年5月からは新たな「M3」を代表的指標として名称も「マネーストック統計」として公表している。イギリスではマネーサプライはM0(現金通貨+市中銀行のイングランド銀行(イギリスの中央銀行)預け金)とM4(現金通貨+預金+住宅貸付組合出資金)に分かれる。
日本銀行はマネーサプライを金融政策の目標や金融調節の操作対象としていないが、マクロの金融情勢を表す代表的な指標の1つとして金融政策の判断材料に利用している。 通貨の管理政策はアメリカなどが早くから採用しており、四半期ごとの「M2+CD」の伸びを「増加目標値」として公表、そして、そのターゲットの範囲内に伸びを押さえ込むように通貨管理をしている。イギリスやEUなど他の国ではインフレ目標政策を採用し、インフレ率をターゲットの範囲内に押さえ込むように通貨管理をしている。
- M1
- 現金通貨と預金通貨を合計し、そこから調査対象金融機関保有の小切手・手形を差し引いたもの。
- 対象金融機関は日本銀行(代理店預け金等)、国内銀行(ゆうちょ銀行を含む)、外国銀行在日支店、信金中央金庫、信用金庫、農林中央金庫、商工組合中央金庫、その他金融機関(全国信用協同組合連合会、信用組合、労働金庫連合会、労働金庫、信用農業協同組合連合会、農業協同組合、信用漁業協同組合連合会、漁業協同組合)。
- ※現金通貨 = 銀行券発行高 + 貨幣流通高
- ※預金通貨 = 要求払預金(当座、普通、貯蓄、通知、別段、納税準備) - 調査対象金融機関の保有小切手・手形
- M2
- 現金通貨と国内銀行等に預けられた預金を合計したもの。対象金融機関は日本銀行、ゆうちょ銀行以外の国内銀行、外国銀行在日支店、信金中央金庫、信用金庫、農林中央金庫、商工組合中央金庫。
- M3
- M1 + 準通貨 + CD(譲渡性預金)。対象金融機関はM1と同じ。
- ※準通貨 = 定期預金 + 据置貯金 + 定期積金 + 外貨預金
- 広義流動性
- M3 + 金銭の信託 + 投資信託 + 金融債 + 銀行発行普通社債 + 金融機関発行CP + 国債 + 外債。対象金融機関はM3のものに加えて国内銀行信託勘定、中央政府、保険会社等、外債発行機関。
アメリカの米連邦準備銀行は以前、M1,M2,M3の3つの統計を公開していたが、2005年11月10日に2006年3月23日分からM3の公表を中止すると発表した。したがって、2006年春より連邦準備銀行はM1, M2の2つの統計だけを公開している。
The M2 measure is thought to be held primarily by households. The third aggregate, M3 is no longer published. Prior to this discontinuation, M3 had included M2 plus certain accounts that are held by entities other than individuals and are issued by banks and thrift institutions to augment M2-type balances in meeting credit demands; it had also included balances in money market mutual funds held by institutional investors. The aggregates have had different roles in monetary policy as their reliability as guides has changed. The following details their principal components[3]:
- M0: The total of all physical currency, plus accounts at the central bank that can be exchanged for physical currency.
- M1: The total of all physical currency part of bank reserves + the amount in demand accounts ("checking" or "current" accounts).
- M2: M1 + most savings accounts, money market accounts, retail money market mutual funds,and small denomination time deposits (certificates of deposit of under $100,000).
- M3: M2 + all other CDs (large time deposits, institutional money market mutual fund balances), deposits of eurodollars and repurchase agreements.
When the Federal Reserve announced in 2005 that they would cease publishing M3 statistics in March 2006, they explained that M3 did not convey any additional information about economic activity compared to M2, and thus, "has not played a role in the monetary policy process for many years." Therefore, the costs to collect M3 data outweighed the benefits the data provided. Some politicians have spoken out against the Federal Reserve's decision to cease publishing M3 statistics and have urged the U.S. Congress to take steps requiring the Federal Reserve to do so. Congressman Ron Paul claimed that "M3 is the best description of how quickly the Fed is creating new money and credit. Common sense tells us that a government central bank creating new money out of thin air depreciates the value of each dollar in circulation."[4] Some of the data used to calculate M3 are still collected and published on a regular basis. Current alternate sources of M3 data are available from the private sector[5].
As of 4 November 2009 the federal reserve reported that the U.S. dollar monetary base is $1,999,897,000,000. This is an increase of 142% in 2 years.[6] The monetary base is only one component of money supply, however. M2, the broadest measure of money supply, has increased from approximately $7.41 trillion to $8.36 trillion from November 2007 to October 2009, the latest month-data available. This is a 2-year increase in U.S. M2 of approximately 12.9%.[7]
- M1: 市中の貨幣+夜間金庫
- M2: M1 + 満期2年までの定期預金 + 3ヶ月までに償還される口座
- M3: M2 + 現先取引+ マネー・マーケット・ファンド(MMF) + 2年以内の債券
- 1998年4月から2008年4月まで[9](マネーサプライ統計)
- M1: 現金通貨 + 預金通貨
- M2 + CD: M1 + 準通貨 + CD
- M3 + CD: (M2 + CD) + 郵便貯金 + 農協、漁協、信組、労金の預貯金 + 金銭信託・貸付信託
- 広義流動性: (M3 + CD) + 金銭信託以外の金銭の信託 + 投資信託 + 金融債 + 金融機関発行CP + 債券現先・現金担保付債券貸借 + 国債・FB + 外債
イギリスの公式なマネーサプライ統計は2つある。M0として「ワイドマネタリーベース」もしくは「ナローマネー」と呼ばれるものと、M4として「広義流動性("broad money")」または単に「マネーサプライ」と呼ばれるものの2つである。
There are several different definitions of money supply to reflect the differing stores of money. Due to the nature of bank deposits, especially time-restricted savings account deposits, the M4 represents the most illiquid measure of money. M0, by contrast, is the most liquid measure of the money supply.
- Reserve Money (M0): Currency in circulation + Bankers’ deposits with the RBI + ‘Other’ deposits with the RBI = Net RBI credit to the Government + RBI credit to the commercial sector + RBI’s claims on banks + RBI’s net foreign assets + Government’s currency liabilities to the public – RBI’s net non-monetary liabilities.
- M1: Currency with the public + Deposit money of the public (Demand deposits with the banking system + ‘Other’ deposits with the RBI).
- M2: M1 + Savings deposits with Post office savings banks.
- M3: M1+ Time deposits with the banking system = Net bank credit to the Government + Bank credit to the commercial sector + Net foreign exchange assets of the banking sector + Government’s currency liabilities to the public – Net non-monetary liabilities of the banking sector (Other than Time Deposits).
- M4: M3 + All deposits with post office savings banks (excluding National Savings Certificates).
- M1: currency bank + current deposits of the private non-bank sector
- M3: M1 + all other bank deposits of the private non-bank sector
- Broad Money: M3 + borrowings from the private sector by NBFIs, less the latter's holdings of currency and bank deposits
- Money Base: holdings of notes and coins by the private sector plus deposits of banks with the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) and other RBA liabilities to the private non-bank sector
- M1: notes and coins held by the public plus chequeable deposits, minus inter-institutional chequeable deposits, and minus central government deposits
- M2: M1 + all non-M1 call funding (call funding includes overnight money and funding on terms that can of right be broken without break penalties) minus inter-institutional non-M1 call funding
- M3: the broadest monetary aggregate. It represents all New Zealand dollar funding of M3 institutions and any Reserve Bank repos with non-M3 institutions. M3 consists of notes & coin held by the public plus NZ dollar funding minus inter-M3 institutional claims and minus central government deposits
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 みずほ総合研究所編 『3時間でわかる日本経済-ポイント解説』 日本経済新聞社〈日経ビジネス人文庫〉、2002年、26頁。
- ↑ 「マネーストック」の解説 :日本銀行 Bank of Japan
- ↑ ebook: The Federal Reserve - Purposes and Functions:http://www.federalreserve.gov/pf/pf.htm
- ↑ What the Price of Gold Is Telling Us
- ↑ See, for example
- ↑ Federal Reserve Statistics[1]
- ↑ Federal Reserve Statistics[2]
- ↑ The ECB's definition of euro area monetary aggregates: http://www.ecb.int/stats/money/aggregates/aggr/html/hist.en.html
- ↑ http://www.boj.or.jp/en/type/exp/stat/exms01.htm click on the link to the exms01.pdf file. They are defined in Appendix 1 which on the 11th page of the pdf.テンプレート:リンク切れ
- ↑ www.bankofengland.co.uk Explanatory Notes - M4 retrieved August 13 2007
- ↑ Handbook of Statistics on Indian Economy. See the document at the bottom of the page titled, "Notes on Tables". The link to this pdf document is: http://rbidocs.rbi.org.in/rdocs/Publications/PDFs/80441.pdf The definitions are on the fourth page of the document
- ↑ RBA: Glossary - Text Only Version
- ↑ Series description – Monetary and financial statistics