出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
フレデリック・シューマン(Frederick Lewis Schuman, 1904年 - 1981年)は、アメリカ合衆国の国際政治学者。
西欧国家体系(western state system)の歴史を考察した著書 International Politics (邦訳『国際政治』)は、E・H・カー『危機の二十年』およびハンス・J・モーゲンソー『国際政治』と並んで、国際政治学のスタンダードな教科書として名高い。
- American Policy toward Russia since 1917: A Study of Diplomatic History, International Law & Public Opinion, (Lawrence, 1928).
- War and Diplomacy in the French Republic: An Inquiry into Political Motivations and the Control of Foreign Policy, (Whittlesey House, 1931).
- International Politics: An Introduction to the Western State System, (McGraw-Hill, 1933, 2nd ed., 1937, 3rd ed., 1941, 4th ed., 1948, 5th ed., 1953, 6th ed., 1958, 7th ed., 1969).
- The Nazi Dictatorship: A Study in Social Pathology and the Politics of Fascism, (A. A. Knoph, 1935).
- Germany since 1918, (H. Holt, 1937).
- Europe on the Eve: the Crises of Diplomacy, 1933-1939, (Hale, 1939).
- Night over Europe: the Diplomacy of Nemesis, 1939-1940, (A. A. Knopf, 1941).
- Design for Power: the Struggle for the World, (A. A. Knopf, 1942).
- Soviet Politics: At Home and Abroad, (A. A. Knopf, 1946).
- Atomic Diplomacy: Deadlock and Prospects, (Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, 1950).
- The Commonwealth of Man: An Inquiry into Power Politics and World Government, (A. A. Knopf, 1951).
- Russia since 1917: Four Decades of Soviet Politics, (A. A. Knopf, 1957).
- Government in the Soviet Union, (Crowell, 1961).
- The Cold War: Retrospect and Prospect, (Louisiana State University Press, 1962).