出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
セオドア・ローウィ(Theodore J. Lowi, 1931年7月9日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国の政治学者。
- At the Pleasure of the Mayor: Patronage and Power in New York City, 1898-1958, (Free Press of Glencoe, 1964).
- The End of Liberalism: Ideology, Policy, and the Crisis of Public Authority, (W. W. Norton, 1969).
- The Politics of Disorder, (Basic Books, 1971).
- American Government: Incomplete Conquest, (Dryden Press, 1976).
- Liberalism, Conservatism, and American Politics, (Doshisha University Press, 1983).
- The Personal President: Power Invested, Promise Unfulfilled, (Cornell University Press, 1986).
- The End of the Republican Era, (University of Oklahoma Press, 2006).
- Poliscide, with Benjamin Ginsberg, (Macmillan, 1976).
- Embattled Democracy: Politics and Policy in the Clinton Era, with Benjamin Ginsberg< (W. W. Norton, 1995).
- We the People: An Introduction to American Politics, with Benjamin Ginsberg and Margaret Weir, (W. W. Norton, 1997, 2nd ed., 1999, 4th ed., 2003, 6th ed., 2007).
- A Republic of Parties?: Debating the Two-Party System, with Joseph Romance, (Rowman & Littlefield, 1998).
- American Government: Power and Purpose, with Benjamin Ginsberg and Kenneth A. Shepsle, (W. W. Norton, 2002).
- Legislative Politics U.S.A.: Congress and the Forces that Shape It, (Little, Brown, 1962).
- Private Life and Public Order: the Context of Modern Public Policy, (W. W. Norton, 1968).
- Nationalizing Government: Public Policies in America, co-edited with Alan Stone, (Sage, 1978).
- Comparative Theory and Political Experience: Mario Einaudi and the Liberal Tradition, co-edited with Peter J. Katzenstein and Sidney Tarrow, (Cornell University Press, 1990).