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R・B・J・ウォーカーR. B. J. (Rob) Walker, 1947年-)は、イギリスの政治学者。専攻は、国際関係論政治理論


現在、ヴィクトリア大学政治学部教授(1992年-)、およびキール大学国際関係論教授(2000年-)。また学術誌 Alternatives: Global, Local, Politial の編集長を務める。



  • One World, Many Worlds: Struggles for A Just World Peace, (Lynne Rienner, 1988).
  • Inside/Outside: International Relations as Political Theory, (Cambridge University Press, 1993).
  • After the globe, before the world, Routledge, 2010.


  • Culture, Ideology, World Order, (Westview Press, 1984).


  • The New Reality: the Politics of Restraint in British Columbia, co-edited with Warren Magnusson, et al., (New Star Books, 1984).
  • After Bennett: the New Politics of British Columbia, co-edited with Warren Magnusson, et al., (New Star Books, 1986).
  • Towards a Just World Peace: Perspectives fom Social Movements, co-edited with Saul Mendlovitz, (Butterworths, 1987).
  • Contending Sovereignties: Redefining Political Community, co-edited with Saul Mendlovitz, (Lynne Rienner, 1990).
  • Re-Framing the International: Law, Culture(s), Politics, co-edited with Richard A. Falk and Lester Ruiz, (Routledge, 2002).
  • 11 September 2001: War, Terror and Judgement, co-edited with Bulent Gokay, (Frank Cass, 2003).
