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ジュディス・ゴールドスティン(Judith L. Goldstein)は、アメリカ合衆国の国際政治学者。専門は、国際政治経済学




  • Ideas, Interests, and American Trade Policy, (Cornell University Press, 1993).


  • The Evolution of the Trade Regime: Politics, Law, and Economics of the GATT and the WTO, with John H. Barton, Timothy E. Josling, and Richard H. Steinberg, (Princeton University Press, 2006).


  • Ideas and Foreign Policy: Beliefs, Institutions, and Political Change, co-edited with Robert O. Keohane, (Cornell University Press, 1993).
  • Legalization and World Politics, co-edited with Miles Kahler, Robert O. Keohane and Anne-Marie Slaughter, (MIT Press, 2001).
  • Back to basics: state power in a contemporary world, edited by Martha Finnemore and Judith Goldstein, Oxford University Press, 2013.


  • "The Political Economy of Trade: Institutions of Protection", American Political Science Review, vol. 80, no. 1 (1986).
  • "Ideas, Institutions, and American Trade Policy", International Organization, vol. 42, no. 1, (1988).
  • "The Impact of Ideas on Trade Policy: The Origins of U.S. Agricultural and Manufacturing Policies", International Organization, vol. 43, no. 1 (1989).
  • "International Law and Domestic Institutions: Reconciling North American "Unfair" Trade Laws", International Organization, vol. 50, no. 4 (1996).