出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
ジェームズ・メイオール(James Bardsley Lawson Mayall, 1937年-)は、イギリスの国際政治学者。専門は、国際関係論、南北問題、ナショナリズム論。
- Africa: the Cold War and After, (Elek Books, 1971).
- Nationalism and International Society, (Cambridge University Press, 1990).
- World Politics: Progress and its Limits, (Polity Press, 2000).
- The Community of States: A Study in International Political Theory, (Allen & Unwin, 1982).
- The New Interventionism, 1991-1994: United Nations Experience in Cambodia, Former Yugoslavia and Somalia, (Cambridge University Press, 1996).
- Current British Foreign Policy: Documents, Statements, Speeches, co-edited with D. C. Watt, (T. Smith, 1971).
- A New International Commodity Regime, co-edited with Geoffrey Goodwin, (St. Martin's Press, 1979).
- The End of the Post-War Era: Documents on Great-Power Relations, 1968-1975, co-edited with Cornelia Navari, (Cambridge University Press, 1980).
- The Fallacies of Hope: the Post-Colonial Record of the Commonwealth Third World, co-edited with Anthony Payne, (Manchester University Press, 1991).
- International Human Rights in the 21st Century: Protecting the Rights of Groups, co-edited with Gene M. Lyons, (Rowman & Littlefield, 2003).