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レスリー・フィードラーLeslie A(aron) Fiedler, 1917年3月8日 - 2003年1月29日)はアメリカ社会史家・文芸批評家。ユダヤ系

評論集 "An End to Innocence"(1955年)などで論議を呼んだ。



  • An End to Innocence: Essays on Culture and Politics (1955)
  • Whitman (1959) editor
  • The Jew in the American Novel (1959) - ヘルツル研究所 Herzl Instituteパンフレット
  • Love and Death in the American Novel (1960)
  • Nude Croquet (1960) stories, with others
  • The Riddle of Shakespeare’s Sonnets (1962) with R .P. Blackmur, Northrop Frye, Edward Hubler, Stephen Spender, Oscar Wilde
  • Pull Down Vanity (1962) stories
  • The Second Stone (1963) novel
  • A Literary Guide to Seduction (1963) with Robert Meister,
  • The Continuing Debate: Essays on Education for Freshmen (1964) with Jacob Vinocur
  • Waiting for the End: The American Literary Scene from Hemingway to Baldwin (1964)
  • Back to China (1965) novel
  • The Last Jew in America (1966) stories
  • The Return of the Vanishing American (1968)
    • 『消えゆくアメリカ人の帰還(アメリカ文学の原型3)』渥美昭夫酒本雅之共訳、新潮社、1972年
  • O Brave New World American Literature from 1600 – 1840 (1968) editor with Arthur Zeigar
  • Being Busted (1969)
  • Nude Croquet: The Stories (1969)
  • The Art of the Essay (1969) editor
  • No! In Thunder: Essays on Myth and Literature (1971)
  • Collected Essays1971年
  • Cross the Border — Close the Gap (1972),
  • Unfinished Business (1972) essays
  • Collected Essays of Leslie Fiedler (1972)
  • To the Gentiles (1972)
  • The Stranger in Shakespeare (1972)
    • 『シェイクスピアにおける異人』川地美子訳、みすず書房、2002年
  • Beyond The Looking Glass: Extraordinary Works of Fairy Tale and Fantasy (1973) editor, with Jonathan Cott
  • The Messengers Will Come No More (1974)
  • In Dreams Awake (1975) editor, anthology of science fiction
  • A Fiedler Reader (1977)
  • The Inadvertent Epic: From Uncle Tom's Cabin to Roots (1978) Massey Lecture
  • Freaks: Myths and Images of the Secret Self (1978)
  • Opening Up the Canon. (1981) English Institute papers, editor with Houston A. Baker Jr.
  • What was literature?: Class Culture And Mass Society (1982)
  • Buffalo Bill and the Wild West (1982)
  • Olaf Stapledon : A Man Divided (1983)
  • Fiedler on the Roof : Essays on Literature and Jewish Identity (1991),
  • The Tyranny of the Normal : Essays on Bioethics, Theology & Myth (1996).
  • A New Fiedler Reader (1999)


  • Mark Roydon Winchell (1985) Leslie Fiedler
  • S. G. Kellman and I. Malin, editors (1999) Leslie Fiedler and American Culture
  • Mark Roydon Winchell (2002) "Too Good to Be True": The Life and Work of Leslie Fiedler