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テンプレート:翻訳中途 テンプレート:Infobox 哲学者

ウィラード・ヴァン・オーマン・クワインWillard van Orman Quine, 1908年6月25日 - 2000年12月25日)は20世紀アメリカを代表する哲学者論理学者のひとり。分析哲学の伝統の正当な継承者であるが、哲学概念分析ではないという考えの主たる提唱者でもあった。母校であるハーバード大学哲学数学を教えた。主要な業績に『経験主義の2つのドグマ』があり、分析命題総合命題とを区別できるとする論理実証主義がはらむような経験主義を批判し、個別の命題だけでは経験によった確証は得られない(確証されるのは命題体系全体である)とする確証の全体論(ホーリズム)を提唱した(参考:デュエム-クワイン・テーゼ)。『ことばと対象』ではさらにこの立場を発展させ、有名な翻訳の不確定性テーゼを導入した。





ハーバードの彼の研究室は、ドナルド・デイヴィッドソンデイヴィッド・ルイスダニエル・デネットギルバート・ハーマンダグフィン・フォレスダール王浩ユーグ・ルブランヘンリー・ヒズ など、多くの著名な哲学者を輩出した。また最初の教え子の一人に、鶴見俊輔がいる。

クワインは「わが人生の時(The Time of My Life)」(1986年)という自伝を書いており、その生涯について詳しく知ることができる。またクワインは荘厳でウィットに富む英語の詩をよく書いた。彼には言語の才能があり、フランス語やスペイン語、ポルトガル語やドイツ語でも講義することができた。しかし、論理実証主義者たちと同様、過去の大哲学者たちにはほとんど何の興味も示さなかった。哲学史の授業でヒュームについて教授したのが、唯一の例外だった。甥のロバート・クワインはギタリストである。




テンプレート:Seealso 1930年代から1940年にかけて、カルナップネルソン・グッドマンそれにアルフレッド・タルスキーや他の哲学者たちと議論をする中で、クワインは「分析」命題と「総合」命題との間の区別がそれほど強固なものではないのではないかと疑問を持つようになった。「分析」命題とは、ただ言葉の意味によって真である命題であり、たとえば「すべての独身者は結婚していない」といった命題のことである。「総合」命題とは、その真偽が世界についての事実がどうあるかに依存する命題であり、たとえば「猫がマットの上にいる」といった命題である。これら命題の区別こそ論理実証主義にとって核心である。クワインは1951年に発表した論文『経験主義の二つのドグマ』(Two Dogmas of Empiricism)においてこれを批判。クワインの批判によって論理実証主義は衰退したともいわれる。なおクワイン自身は、分析-総合の区別を掘り崩すのに検証主義を用いるほどに、検証主義者であり続けた。


クワインの分析性に対する主要な批判は、同義語(意味の同等性)という考えに関してのものである。つまりある言明が分析的であるのは、その言明が「全ての黒いものは黒い」という類いの言明である場合だけである(これは論理学における真理も同様である)。同義牲に対する批判は、付帯情報(collateral information)の問題に関わってくる。「すべての結婚していない男は独身者である」という文と「黒い犬がいる」という文の間には違いがあると(前者は「分析的」言明であり、後者は「総合的」言明であるという風に)我々は直感的に感じるが、能力のある英語話者ならば、その両方の文の真偽は(わいろや脅しのような外的要因は除くとしても)状況による、ということに同意するだろう。というのは、能力ある話者ならば、歴史的に黒い犬が存在したかどうかという付帯情報にアクセスすることができるからである。クワインは、普遍的に知られた付帯情報と概念的もしくは分析的真理とは区別がつかないと主張する。しかし、クワインの哲学は、なぜある言明が直感的に「分析的」であると感じられ、ほかの言明はそうでないのかについて、これまでにない納得のいく説明を与えてくれる訳ではない。







クワインの存在論的相対論(上記を参照)は、経験的根拠の収集にとって、それを説明できる多くの理論が常にあるだろうという彼とピエール・デュエムとの見解を一致させた。しかし、デュエムの全体論は、クワインのものよりもさらにより狭く限定的である。デュエムにとっては、決定不全(underdetermination)は物理学 だけか、あるいは自然科学に適用されるが、一方でクワインは人間の知識全てに適用される。したがって、全ての理論を検証乃至反証 することが可能である一方で、個々の命題を検証乃至反証することはできない。ほとんどの特定の言明は保持され、理論を含んでいるものの根本的な修正を加えることが十分に可能である。クワインにとって、科学的思考は経験的根拠に照らしてどの部分も代わりになりうるような網を形成し、そして経験的根拠がないところにおいては、部分形成の見直しをさせる。




Quine demonstrates the inadequacy of the traditional epistemological paradigm by drawing parallels between mathematical epistemology and general epistemology, which have both attempted studies in doctrine and concept. The conceptual side attends to meaning and clarification by definition (of how the terms relate to each other); the doctrinal is concerned with truth and instituting laws by verifying them. In regards to the mathematical studies, the more complicated concepts would be spoken of in terms of the simpler ones, and elementary laws would explain non-elementary laws. Ideally, the clarification of obscure concepts would help to justify the relationship between mathematical theorems and self-evident truths. The concepts of mathematics, however, cannot be reduced to logic alone. They rest also on the axioms of set theory, which are even more enigmatic than the theories they have delivered.

A similar problem arises when we consider natural knowledge: Though Hume was able to procure some singular statements about bodies from sensory terms, he proved unsuccessful in trying to construct general statements or singular statements about the future, and so epistemologists began resorting to set theory and contextual definition. German philosopher Carnap tried to pick up where Hume left off; namely, to translate sentences about the world into the language of logic, set theory, and sense experience. Though these rational reconstructions, as Carnap called them, would fail to actually justify science, they would at least have the potential to legitimize its concepts by translating them into the terms of logic and set theory. But, according to Quine, this translation failed. Carnap’s translation failed, says Quine, because of the translational indeterminacy of theoretical sentences. Individual statements cannot be suitably translated because they have fixed meaning only in the context of the theories they belong to. If I said, for example, that the Prime Mover was above the Crystalline Sphere, this would probably have no particular significance to you unless we were speaking in context of the Ptolemic paradigm of the universe.

Thus, the quest to justify natural knowledge by reducing bodies to sensory terms was abandoned. If, then, we cannot justify knowledge on these terms, the best we can do is to explore how knowledge originated and evolved, in the ontological (and phylogenic, if I may take it a step further) sense, and how evidence relates to theory. In favoring psychology over rational reductionism, Quine says, “Better to discover how science in fact developed and learned [sic] than to fabricate a fictitious structure to a similar effect.” Quine marks the new epistemology as a chapter of psychology, but it seems that, rather than epistemology being subordinate to psychology, they could be mutually supportive of each other. Quine recognizes some may object to this idea, claiming it to be circular, and points out that we are not trying to justify psychology using epistemology, we are trying to understand knowledge. “We are after an understanding of science as an institution or process in the world,” he says, “and we do not intend that understanding to be any better than the science which is its object.”

The new epistemology, Quine says, is also becoming a matter of semantics. A fundamental part of knowledge relies on observation sentences. He defines an observation sentence as a sentence that everyone in a language-speaking community agrees upon. But what is an observation? When I look at the sky, am I observing the photons that hit my color receptors, or am I observing the blueness that results? Quine contends that an observation is whatever is closest to the sensory receptors, notwithstanding consciousness on our part. Observation sentences then, are about bodies rather than impressions, because observations are what we agree on. It doesn’t necessarily matter then, that when we look at the sky I may perceive one version of “blue” and you may perceive another. We both agree that the sky is “blue,” because we are referring to a physical phenomenon outside of ourselves that gives us both some sort of impression, congruent or not.

This account, it seems, is a total naturalization of knowledge. Quine rejects the idea that we have knowledge prior to experience. On the contrary, our observations (and not even ones we are necessarily conscious of) determine our “abstract” knowledge. According to Quine, all of our knowledge comes ultimately from the external world. Of course, naturalism may imply that our knowledge isn’t the cause of some divine, mysterious force—knowledge is subject to the mechanical inner workings of the brain, which was sculpted unconsciously by evolution, which in essence follows the paths paved by physical law. This naturalization, then, may steer the foundations of knowledge in the direction of a survival mechanism that evolved due to certain environmental factors—a series of fortuitous genetic mutations that thrived and continued to evolve into what we consider knowledge today—and this seems to relegate us to little more than physical systems reacting to our environment. Some would disagree with this cynical look at naturalism and say that knowledge, with all its burdens, is a liberating phenomenon that gives us the reigns to our own lives and a consciousness to human fate. By bearing this phenomenon, we have an obligation to explore, perpetuate, and adapt it, using any means that hint at an epistemological cohesive whole.


Quine confined logic to classic bivalent first-order logic, hence to truth and falsity under any (nonempty) universe of discourse. Quine also carefully distinguished first-order logic from set theory, as the former requires no more than predicates and an unspecified universe of discourse. Thus much that Principia Mathematica included in logic was not logic for Quine.

While his contributions to logic include elegant expositions and a number of technical results, it is in set theory that Quine was most innovative. His set theory, (New Foundations) (NF) and that of Set Theory and Its Logic, admit a universal class, but since they are free of any hierarchy of types, they have no need for a distinct universal class at each type level. Without going into technical detail, these theories are driven by a desire to minimize posits; each innovation is pushed as far as it can be pushed before further innovations are introduced. Quine always maintained that mathematics required set theory and that set theory was quite distinct from logic. He flirted with Nelson Goodman's nominalism for a while, but backed away when he failed to find a nominalist grounding of mathematics.

New Foundations features a simple and economical criterion for set admissibility, which allows many "large" sets not allowed in the standard ZFC set theory. The (relative) consistency of New Foundations is an open question. A modification of NF, NFU, due to R. B. Jensen and admitting urelements (entities that can be members of sets but that lack elements), turns out to be consistent relative to Peano arithmetic, thus vindicating Quine's intuition.



  • 『初等論理(Elementary Logic)』 1940年の入門課程で授業している間、クワインは現存の教科書には哲学の学生向けの量化理論または一階述語論理を十分に記述したものがないということに気づいた。クワインはこの本を、授業に導入するためのアドホックな解決策として六週間で書き上げた。
  • 『論理学の方法(Methods of Logic)』 クワインが第二次世界大戦の終わりから彼が1978年に退職するまで教えていた学部上級生向けの論理学のコースで、この本は四つの版が出された。技術的にはむしろ時代遅れ(即ち、分析的タブローが欠けていて、メタ論理学の処理は何か不十分な点がある)で、それはまだ大いに哲学的かつ言語学的な洞察を含んでいる。
  • Philosophy of Logic. A concise and witty undergraduate treatment of a number of Quinian themes, such as the prevalence of use-mention confusions, the dubiousness of quantified modality, and of the non-logical character of higher-order logics.

Quine also wrote two advanced texts on logic, set theory and the foundations of mathematics. They employ the notation of Principia Mathematica which makes for hard reading:

  • Set Theory and Its Logic. Quine proposes yet another flavor of axiomatic set theory, then derives the foundations of mathematics therefrom; includes the definitive treatment of Quine's theory of virtual sets and relations. Fraenkel, Bar-Hillel and Levy (1973) do a better job of surveying set theory as it stood in the 1950s.

All five texts remain in print. Curiously, advocates of Quinian set theory are not warm to the axiomatic set theory Quine advocated in his two advanced texts, and invariably confine their enthusiasm to NF and offshoots thereof proposed by others.




  • "No entity without identity".
  • "Ontology recapitulates philology". (Attributed to James Grier Miller in the epigraph of Word and Object)
  • "Philosophy of science is philosophy enough".
  • "To be is to be the value of a bound variable". (From "On What There Is")
  • "The Humean predicament is the human predicament".
  • "Quantification is the ontic idiom par excellence".
  • "We cannot stem linguistic change, but we can drag our feet. If each of us were to defy Alexander Pope and be the last to lay the old aside, it might not be a better world, but it would be a lovelier language" (Quiddities is chock-full of similar sentiments).
  • When asked what the correct collective noun for logicians was, he replied "It is a sequitur of logicians".
  • "Life is algid, life is fulgid. Life is what the least of us make most of us feel the least of us make the most of. Life is a burgeoning, a quickening of the dim primordial urge in the murky wastes of time" (interview in Harvard Magazine, quoted in Hersh, R., 1997, What Is Mathematics, Really?).
  • "'What is there?' It can be answered, moreover, in a word--'Everything'--and everyone will accept this answer as true." (From "On What There Is".)
  • "...in point of epistemological footing the physical objects and the gods differ only in degree and not in kind. Both sorts of entities enter our conception only as cultural posits. The myth of physical objects is epistemologically superior to most in that it has proved more efficacious than other myths as a device for working a manageable structure into the flux of experience." (From "Two Dogmas of Empiricism".)
  • "The state lottery is a public subsidy of intelligence since it yields public income that is calculated to lighten the tax burden of us prudent abstainers at the expense of the benighted masses of wishful thinkers." (From "Quiddities".)



  • A System of Logistic, (Harvard University press, 1934).
  • Mathematical Logic, (W. W. Norton, 1940). ISBN 0674554515
  • Elementary Logic, (Ginn, 1941). ISBN 0674244516
  • Methods of Logic, (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1952). ISBN 0674571762
  • From a Logical Point of View: 9 Logico-Philosophical Essays, (Harvard University Press, 1953). ISBN 0674323513
    • 中山浩二郎・持丸悦朗訳『論理学的観点から――9つの論理・哲学的小論』岩波書店, 1972年[1]
    • 飯田隆訳『論理的観点から──論理と哲学をめぐる九章』勁草書房、1992年 ISBN 4326198877
  • Word and Object, (MIT Press, 1960). ISBN 0262670011
    • 大出晁・宮館恵訳『ことばと対象』勁草書房、1984年 ISBN 4326198737
  • Set Theory and Its Logic, (Harvard University Press, 1963). ISBN 0674802071
    • 大出晁・藤村龍雄訳『集合論とその論理』岩波書店, 1968年)
  • Selected Logic Papers, (Random House, 1966). ISBN 0674798368
  • The Ways of Paradox, and Other Essays, (Random House, 1966). ISBN 0674948378
  • Ontological Relativity and Other Essays, (Columbia University Press, 1969). ISBN 0231083572
  • Philosophy of Logic, (Prentice-Hall, 1970). ISBN 0674665635
    • 山下正男訳『論理学の哲学』培風館, 1972年
  • The Roots of Reference, (Open Court, 1973). ISBN 0812691016
  • Theories and Things, (Harvard University Press, 1981). ISBN 0674879260
  • The Time of My Life: An Autobiography, (MIT Press, 1985). ISBN 0262670046
  • Quiddities: An Intermittently Philosophical Dictionary, (Belknap Press, 1987). ISBN 0674743520
    • 吉田夏彦・野崎昭弘訳『哲学事典――〜とは何であるかを考える』白揚社, 1994年 ISBN 4826900589
    • 吉田夏彦・野崎昭弘訳『哲学事典―AからZの定義集』筑摩書房, 2007年 ISBN 448009055X
  • Pursuit of Truth, (Harvard University Press, 1990). ISBN 0674739515
    • 伊藤春樹・清塚邦彦訳『真理を追って』産業図書, 1999年 ISBN 478280122X
  • The Logic of Sequences: A Generalization of Principia Mathematica, (Garland Pub., 1990). ISBN 0824032101
  • From Stimulus to Science, (Harvard University Press, 1995). ISBN 0674326369


  • The Web of Belief, with J. S. Ullian, (Random House, 1970). ISBN 0075536099
  • Dear Carnap, Dear Van: the Quine-Carnap Correspondence and Related Work, with Rudolf Carnap, (University of California Press, 1990). ISBN 0520068475


  1. 元の位置に戻る 『経験主義の二つのドグマ』所収



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