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ハロルド・ジョージ・ニコルソン(Sir Harold George Nicolson, KCMG, 1886年11月21日 - 1968年5月1日)は、イギリスの外交官、歴史家。外交に関する著作のほか、ポール・ヴェルレーヌやバイロンなど作家や詩人の評伝も多数著した。
- Paul Verlaine, (Constable, 1921).
- Tennyson: Aspects of his Life Character and Poetry, (Constable, 1923).
- Byron: the Last Journey, April 1823-April 1824, (Constable, 1924).
- Swinburne, (Macmillan, 1926).
- The Development of English Biography, (Hogarth Press, 1927).
- Sweet Waters: A Novel, (Constable, 1928).
- Sir Arthur Nicolson, Bart.; First Lord Carnock: A Study in the Old Diplomacy, (Constable, 1929).
- Swinburne and Baudelaire, (Clarendon, 1930).
- Portrait of a Diplomatist: Being the Life of Sir Arthur Nicolson, First Lord Carnock, and a Study of the Origins of the Great War, (Houghton Mifflin, 1930).
- People and Things: Wireless Talks, (Constable, 1931).
- Peacemaking 1919, (Constable, 1933).
- Curzon: the Last Phase, 1919-1925, (Constable, 1934).
- Some People, (Oxford University Press, 1934).
- Dwight Morrow, (Arno Press, 1935).
- The Meaning of Prestige, (The University Press, 1937).
- Diplomacy, (Oxford University Press, 1939, 2nd ed., 1950, 3rd ed., 1963).
- Marginal Comment, January 6-August 4, 1939, (Constable, 1939).
- Why Britain is at War, (Penguin Books, 1939).
- The Desire to Please: A Story of Hamilton Rowan and the United Irishmen, (Constable, 1943).
- The Poetry of Byron, (Oxford University Press, 1943).
- Public Faces: A Novel, (Penguin Books, 1944).
- The Congress of Vienna: A Study in Allied Unity, 1812-1822, (Constable, 1946).
- King George the Fifth, his Life and Reign, (Constable, 1952).
- The Evolution of Diplomatic Method, (Constable, 1953).
- Good Behaviour: Being a Study of Certain Types of Civility, (Constable, 1955).
- The English Sense of Humour and Other Essays, (Constable, 1956).
- Journey to Java, (Constable, 1957).
- Sainte-Beuve, (Constable, 1957).
- The Age of Reason (1700-1789), (Constable, 1960).
- Monarchy, (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1962).
- Diaries and Letters, 3 vols., (Atheneum, 1966-1968).
- Another World than This: An Anthology, co-edited with V. Sackville-West, (Michael Joseph, 1945).